Zone Doubt, a.k.a. 'Surreal Я Us'...

Joules, trusted by... dozens... to make a drama out of your crisis...

Other sites:

:: JAT :: WaveWrights :: Publications ::

I live to write. It's not wise to get in my way.

... I'd write my autobiography, but no-one would believe it....

If you come across any words you don't recognise in this blog, take a look at the Taylorspeke Glossary in the left-hand infopane, you'll usually find a definition there.

The Poppy Tales

(Transformers fanfiction!)

Transformers mini-comics here.

Adventures in Orchids

EO - Everlasting orchid. Phalaenopsis. I've had this orchid since 2007 and it just keeps flowering...

AO - Alien face orchid. Phalaenopsis . Bought 2018 - lovely little flowers, all different patterns!

RO - Rescued orchid photo to come when it flowers. Phalaenopsis. Rescued from a bin up the road in 2019. Classic!

TO - Tiny orchid. Phalaenopsis. Bought at Tesco 21.8.20. It just begged to come home with me. How could I say no?

CO - Crimson orchid. Cambria. Another Tesco find. This one may be going to live in Ken's room once we've redecorated and put up the new shelving; it prefers a cooler, less sunny windowsill. If so, I'll need to find another cambrian to keep it company.
Now donated to Jeff at The Zone.

GO - Golden orchid. Phalaenopsis. Saw this one when I bought CO and left it behind - then immediately regretted it as soon as I got home. Never seen one like it before. Ken, bless him, went back over to Tesco in the rain and bought it for me...

DO - Dendrobium Orchid. Smells of wisteria, so beautiful...

RO2 - Rescued orchid no 2. Phalaenopsis. This is the one I rescued from the wall along the road middle of 2021.

PO. Pink orchid. Phalaenopsis. This is the one I bought at Cabury Garden Centre on special, late 2021. It's much happier here!

TWO. Teeny weeny orchid, Phalaenopsis. Rescued from Tesco end 2021 (I think). Now donated to Jeff at The Zone.

My IMDb ep summaries

Arthur of the Britons
Star Maidens
The Starlost
Space Rangers
The Sentinel (part: seasons 2 and 3)
Swamp Thing (part: season 3)
Gravedale High
Transformers: Armada
Transformers: Energon
Transformers: Cybertron (part)
Misfits of Science (four eps)
Zoo Gang
Jupiter Moon
Transformers: Beast Wars (part: seasons 2 and 3)
Transformers: Beast Machines (part)
Vampire Princess Miyu
Nathan Barley
No Heroics
Undermind (3 eps)
Will Shakespeare (Tim Curry version)
12 Kingdoms
Trigun (ep 8)
Hyperdrive (season 2 ep 3)
The Café

For later:

Missing Earthian ep
Missing Haibane Renme eps

Silver birch at Eastwood 


"Autumnal - nothing to do with leaves. It is to do with a certain brownness at the edges of the day... Brown is creeping up on us, take my word for it... Russets and tangerine shades of old gold flushing the very outside edge of the senses... deep shining ochres, burnt umber and parchments of baked earth - reflecting on itself and through itself, filtering the light. At such times, perhaps, coincidentally, the leaves might fall, somewhere..."

(Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Act 2: Tom Stoppard)


I love this time of year. I love the colours, the sharp slant of sunlight on the trees, mosaics of acid-yellow and harts- blood, velvet and darkness and a haze of mist-grey over the hills. I love its immanence, its mellowness, the tang of frost just around the corner of the year...

Watching the little birds in the goat-willow in my garden, I realised something more.

I love this land with a fierce, possessive love, deep-rooted in two thousand years of history. From the frosted beaches and cloud-brushing peaks of the north to the wind-haunted meanderings of the rivers of the east, from the sensuous rolling patchworked hills of the south to the demanding dark moors of the west, this land seeps into bone and blood and synapse, mother of motley nobility, culture, individual freedoms. It can be known. It can be understood. It can be felt deep inside.

I love its effortless eccentricities, its vigour and vibrancy, its flawed perfections, its silent strength and tenacious resilience, its hard-won tolerances and intense and variable beauty, the profound energy in its sacred mythical landscape.

Home and more-than-home, the forces that shape and protect and bind, in me, as I am in the land. Love returning love in the stillness for those who'll only take the time to listen...

(Joules, Autumn 2004)

All photographs taken by Joules unless otherwise specified. All photographs © Joules A Taylor or other specified individual.

In Memoriam

17.03.09 - Argent

25.07.08 - Raptor

18.12.07 - Quyn

02.12.06 - Ryme

Currently enjoying:
Transformers - IDW, Prime, Animated, Rescue Bots, Earthspark.

Currently reading:
Cixin Liu - newest favourite author.
Ben Miller. wow. Just, wow...

Currently working on:
Dystopic novel starring Devon from Dystopia

Currently chuffed with:
My garden

Currently miffed at:
Effing BND (you know who I mean)
Nestlé, TFG Tinyhands Fart, Toadface Farage

Currently maintaining:
Wavewrights, on and off...

Blog Pics
I've gathered some of my pages of photos together: the page of links is here. I'll be adding more as time goes by!

Evil Squid
A Little Glossary of Taylorspeke
(in no particular order)

plit popints - n. Typo for 'plot points' typed on a keyboard with more than half the characters worn off...

[PING] (alt [ping]) - n. A brainwave. The text equivalent of a lightbulb going on blindingly over someone's head. Usually mine. And usually at the most inconvenient of times. [sigh]

TPTB - The Powers That Be.

wulmet - n. A person of little or no talent who somehow inveigles himself into a position where he is in power over other, far more talented people and uses his position to downplay them in order to try to make himself feel superior.

biteable - referring to an anatomical part vb, tasty.

Flatterfed - vb. 27.02.08: my typo for flattered, but since it's so cutely apt I thought it would fit nicely here. Lutra defined it as "the lovely warm feeling of satisfaction resulting from enthusiastic reviews..." (which I've been getting for my MB fics).

Composted - vb, 'compos mentis', mentally capable of working. Contrast with uncomposted or non- composted, not 'compos mentis', not capable of working, hungover...

Cumbles - n, cucumbers.

Kewp - how Ken says 'thank you'. We rather like Lutra's 'nanx', too...

Musekick - noun, music, without which I cannot work.

'feinne - noun, caffeine, essential for correct mental functioning, especially first thing in the morning. I prefer mine in the form of SodaStream Diet Coke. And on that subject...

Skoosh - verb, noun. To skoosh - to add CO2 to a sodastream bottle filled with water to make it fizzy, prior to adding Diet Coke syrup (or just drinking as sparkling water). A skoosh - a bottle of water that has been skooshed. Skooshy - something that has been skooshed, water, or that whipped cream that comes in tins you have to shake then upend and press the nozzle...

Shoogle - verb. To shake gently, for example, of roast potatoes in a roasting tin to ensure they're covered with oil. I have vague memories of this being a real Scottish colloquialism...

Stegasaurus - n, spider of the genus tegenaria. Why? No idea. I just find it easier, that's all...
Edit 08.09.07: Lutra thinks that Brian is a good name for a mini-stegasaurus. From now on, any 'Brian's in the posts may be assumed to be a tegenaria. Except where otherwise specified.

Viterals - noun, vitamins + minerals. Also a pun on victuals.

Splish - verb. A combination of slosh and splash.

Parrots - noun, paracetemol (from the old joke "Why are there no aspirin tablets in the jungle? Because the parrots eat 'em all...")

Maggles - noun, magpies. As opposed to non-magical people.

Flamewings - noun. Swifts. So called because the first time we became aware of them was an early summer evening when they were flying high, the light from the setting sun seemingly turning their wings to flames. Lovely little birds. We always know summer's arrived when we hear their high-pitched squeeing.

Murfs - noun, moths.

Peasant cut - noun, roughly cut up into big chunks, e.g. vegetables chopped in a hurry for a hearty stew or soup. By extension, anything prepared in a hurry - haircut, material, even a first draft of a story...

Giraffe - noun, a carafe (of wine, coffee or water, for example).

Shrumps - noun, mushrooms.

Splings - noun, Kai's spelling homework: by extension, any spelling.

Tyops - noun, typos. var toyps, typso, psyto, psoyt, etc. Usual result of a dose of the fingerials (see next entry).

Fingerials - (pr. fin GEEE ree yalls) noun, fingers that will not type what you want them to.

Haddock - noun, time, of which I never have enough. (Origin of this term here.)

Sleep - noun? vb? a.k.a. sheeeeeeeeep.... I used to know what this word meant...

The Updates Blog

The place to stay notified of WaveWrights' Fiction updates: Zone, Darkside, DarkRealm, Matrix, Vault, Safehouse 13...

my computer gremlin Butch. click the pic to see the larger image

Butch, my computer gremlin. Click the pic for larger version, and read his adventures here...

Butch by the talented 


A gift for me! Butch by the very talented Sylverthorne. Click pic for larger image.



This is MY haddock. It was caught exclusively for me by Talon. No, you can't have any. I need all the haddock I can get!!

A'lestrel by Valkyrie.

A'lestrel - a gift for me from Valkyrie...

Albino Alsatian Benten (c) MEBird 


Another gorgeous Valkyrie gift for me - Benten the Albino Alsatian! Click thumbnail for larger image.

Radittsu, an oekaki for my birthday 04 



Oekai by Bakayaro Onna - Radittsu at his sexiest...

The Zone Plant from
The Zone 



OrganicHTML (which alas no longer seems to exist...)
[::..My Regular Reads..::]
:: Astronomical Pic of the Day [>]
:: What is Space... [>]
:: Dark Roasted Blend [>]
:: BLDG [>]
:: Watchismo Times [>]
[::..Fun Places..::]
::PALEOMAP Project
Absolutely fascinating.
:: Skymap
Check out the night sky where you are!
[::..Useful Sites..::]
:: GreenNet
First stop for environmental matters
:: The Forest of Avon
Our local community forest and places to visit
:: The Guardian
Online Guardian Newspaper.
:: Symbols
Exactly what it says
:: World Timeserver
For checking the current time around this world
:: Universal Currency Converter
Actually it's just a terran-global currency converter, not universal, but it's still useful...

So what is it with the haddock? Am I some kind of fish freak?

I'll leave that to others to decide.

The tale (or tail if you prefer) harks back to October 2000, when my GoodTwin and I, ably assisted by Sue, ran the first UK Professionals convention...
It's common knowledge that I never have enough time, and I was determined not to bewail the fact that weekend: hence I promised not to use the 'T' word...
Of course, that didn't really work (if nothing else I had to let the trainees know what times things were supposed to be happening!) so we decided a substitute word would be employed instead. There were several suggestions. Banana came very close to being chosen. However, I eventually decided that 'haddock' fitted the bill nicely. Ever since, haddock=time. Hence the title of my forthcoming autobiography,
My Half-Life in the Haddock Space Continuum....

Normally I wouldn't, but these were just irresistible...

How could I resist?

Just too adorable...

and to complete the rainbow...

These Too-Kawaii Kitties
were adopted from
Ghost's Anime Page (which appears to have disappeared, alas...)

Useful sites:

Fabulous anime figures

Anime Lyrics
A huge selection... evil popups

Anime still needed to complete series' I'm collecting... Many thanks to everyone who has helped me acquire the collection!
Ai no Kusabi

   Dj: June Special
   CD: Ambivalence

Cyber City Oedo 808

   All 3 eps on Video, dubbed
   Dj: Cyberage 1-3
   Illustrated Book 2 (Benten's) in Japanese

From Eroica with Love

   Manga Vols 1, 9, 11

Mirage of Blaze

   DVD Vol 1 (eps 1-4)

R.G. Veda

   English Manga: Vol 1
   Japanese Manga: Vol 1-7 complete
   Tarot Pack
   R.G.Veda video

Twelve Kingdoms

   Anime Vol 1-12: complete

Under the Glass Moon

   Manga Vol 1, 2
Vol 3 needed

Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust


   Vampire Hunter D Book 1

New Vampire Miyu

   (Studio Ironcat) Manga Vols 1 -5 (complete)

Yami no Matsuei

   Viz Manga: English translation, Vols 1 - 11 (complete: I believe vol 12 is only available online)
   Japanese 3-DVD set
   Central Park Media: Descendants of Darkness Vol. 1, English/Japanese subbed.

[::..Joules SP fied..::]

... this is Terra? How the hell'd I end up here...?

(Thanks, Lutra, for the quote!)

07/01/2002 - 07/31/2002
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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Interesting. When I headed off to Sains for a small shop this morning, there were yellow painted lines on the pavement and kerb where the drive access is going to be. They weren't there yesterday morning...

About to settle down with caramel lattes and salted caramel cookies to watch Justice League - nice colourful action for a Saturday matineé.

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Blogger GoodTwin said...

ooh, looks like your email has had the desired effect.
I'm wondering if they had made the application but for some reason it wasn't showing up as linked to your address? Whichever, this looks like good news.

9:11 am  
Blogger GoodTwin said...

hee, Zaphod takes up residence in Bristol...

9:12 am  
Blogger Joules *Dances with Haddock* Taylor said...

It's a possibility, I suppose... Anyway, fingers crossed it all gets done asap. Fed up with waiting. Will NEVER use them again and advise nobody else to either!

10:51 am  

Friday, October 26, 2018

So, two (working) weeks after their last visit, I'd still had no news about the drive's dropped kerb, so I rang Highways again. Surprise surprise, no licence application had been made.

So I sent them an email - text copied here as I'm now keeping a proper public record of events:

I have just rung Highways, only to be told that no excavation licence has been applied for, two weeks after you visited and assured me it would be actioned immediately.

As we stated in our formal Letter of Complaint (14th October: text copied below for your convenience) we originally employed you, despite you costing almost £1,000 more than half the other quotes, solely because you promised you could have the work done quickly - in about three weeks. It's now the end of week 6, our car is still parked on the road, you have lied to us repeatedly, and you are now in breach of the Consumer Rights Act.

You need to respond to this email by the end of the day today (by replying to the email: the courts prefer written documents) with details of how you will put things right. All future communication should be in writing.

Then I rang them to say it had been sent...

Exactly four minutes later I got an email back - "It is all in process". I assume he means progress.

It's the weekend now. I'll ring Highways again on Monday, and if the licence still hasn't been applied for we'll consider firing them and getting someone else to finish the job. Then we'll consider what to do next. Applying for a refund through the small claims court is a possibility, as is making a complaint to Trading Standards. And of course, there's always review sites - not just at There's a very useful facebook page called Name and Shame Cowboy Builders which is open to anyone to join and post to.

Will update as events unfold...

Onto more pleasant things... Wendy visited yesterday! Had a fantastic time, as always, and she brought up Deja Vu, which we've never seen but which looks very good - might watch that tomorrow.

It was great to see you again!

Ken and I watch Little Buddha (Kai was working with friends on the uni site so opted out). It's a strange but interesting film. Won't be to everyone's taste, but surprisingly thought-provoking.

I've never mentioned it, but it's always annoyed me that if you want caller number display with VirginMedia you had to pay for it - until just recently, when suddenly I noticed numbers appearing on the screen! It's now been introduced into our area, and it's great. We're being plagued with scam TPS calls at the moment: I'm now making a list of numbers NOT to answer (we could get call blocking but you still have to pay for that. This works fine for now.)

That's probably about it for now. I need to nip over to Tesco, but there's rain forecast for the next couple of hours, and If I'm to use the wheelie, my walking stick and an umbrella I need three hands. Which I don't have, honest... Will wait til after lunch.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Later edit: - forgot to say I emailed a letter of complaint over the weekend and got a reply back, so at least someone there is tech savvy. Though not overly literate...

11 am bully shows up with two men from the co he uses for licence application - I think he said it was Greentree, which does exist according to the web. No apologies, just 'assurance' that 8 weeks is the absolute maximum it'll take to get the licence. It should be much much quicker for us. Though since I refused outright to shake his hand at the end of the conversation and shut the door on him it'll probably be delayed...

Onto more pleasant matters. Since we no longer have a gate the only house identification were two small, very inconspicuous numbers that we screwed into the wall to the right of the porch when we first bought the house. (There was a number painted in black on a scruffy white patch on the left but I tried to get rid of that as it was ugly.) Really not great for identification, especially since the numbering in this part of the street goes from 59 to 77 with just a lane in between (we tell people there's actually a row of 8 houses in between but you need a Hogwart's spell to make them appear...) So I found a rather nice slate no. plaque on amazon and ordered one for us. It took a while to reach me as the number on the package was only half of our real number (a mistyping, I guess) but it arrived on Sat and I'm really pleased with it. K&K put it up on Sun afternoon and it looks very smart. Combined with the work we're doing on the front garden, the house will have definite kerb appeal by the time we've finished.

On that subject, Kai came to Hurran's with me on Sunday morning - I had £28 worth of vouchers to play with. We found three lovely conifers - two, silvery ones, will grow to 6 - 8 foot, the other one is low and sprawly, and a few Yuletide bits - and with the vouchers it ended up costing me exactly one pound, as although we didn't see any notices the conifers were on a 2 - 3 offer! Dead chuffed. Less chuffed at the fact the garden centre is closing, as it's been sold off for housing although we don't know when. Going to try to get back there early next month and see if the offer is still on, as it would be good to get a few more evergreens while we can.

Autumn is finally here. Winter downie went on the bed last weekend, and I've just put the heating on. The house is a lot warmer since we had the double-glazing done, but it's still a little too cool for comfort. And it's very difficult to get washing dried...

Ken picked up Agents of SHIELD: season 5 on his way back from work the day it appeared in the shops, and we watched the whole thing in less than a fortnight. Gods it's good! The phenomenon has gone from strength to strength and we're all completely hooked. Alas, season 6 isn't even showing yet (well, no summaries on the IMDb so I assume it isn't) which means it won't be available to buy until next year at the earliest. At the moment Kai and I are watching the whole thing from S1;ep1 onwards to try to cope with the withdrawal symptoms!

That being said, Legends of Tomorrow season 3 is now out, as is season 3 of Lucky Man, so will buy those in the near future. To our relief, amazon picked up The Expanse, so there will be more, although season 3 won't be available to buy until next November. Eh well, something to look forward to when the nights draw in next year!

I've managed to paint another wall, so the redecorating is coming along, if extremely slowly. Though it has been a bit of a manic year.

And Kai is doing well so far - easily able to keep up with and even get ahead in all of his subject units this year.

So, all in all, despite the irritating hassles, to date this year has actually been quite good! I would rather like next year to be a little quieter and more easy-going, though. Fingers crossed.

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Thursday, October 11, 2018


Next time it comes to choosing workmen I'm letting Ken do it. I opted for Fixit Landscaping and Driveway Contractors because they had good reviews on, and their 'mission statement' reads -

What do you love most about your job?
Leaving customers happy and satisfied with all work and team.

Why should our clients choose you?
Because we will beat any written quotation and all our work is done to high standards and carried out by a professional team.

On the plus side, the younger guys work extremely hard and have done a good job. On the minus side...

They cost £1K more than three of the other quotes we've had. Yes, I should have challenged that at the time, but I hadn't read the statement at that point. The verbal agreement was no payment until after the work was completed, they estimated they could get the excavation licence in two to four days, and the entire job should be finished in around two weeks. They were able to start the same week, and I was happy with what they did. So when Luke asked for a deposit - to pay for materials and so they could pay for the licence I very stupidly said OK and arranged a BACS transfer (to his own account rather than a business account. Hm. Does that seem fishy to anyone else?) They said they'd be back on Monday: when they didn't turn up I rang and was told they were organising the licence that day but would be back on Tuesday. Which they were, then again on Friday to finish the drive. At which point the older guy - the boss, I assume - started up...

Have you ever had to deal with a whining brat who will not shut up? Add bullying and shouting to that and that's what he's like. Ken listened in and agrees with me, he is HORRIBLE to deal with, and eventually I gave in and BACSed another part payment for the licence. Because he was apparently lying when he said he was sorting it out on Monday. He then said it would be applied for the following Monday (Oct 1st).

Monday 8th I'd heard nothing, so rang Highways at Bristol City Council, only to find that no licence had been applied for either for the house or by the builders. So I rang him back and told him, and he apologised ans said he'd get onto his men and get it sorted. Yesterday he rang me to apologise again, telling me that the father of the guy who was supposed to be arranging it had died and had been uncontactable for a few days. Yeah right - I'm going to believe that after all the other lies he's told me...

They're coming back on Tuesday next week, supposedly to get the measurements for the kerb dropping and no doubt to demand more money. I've contacted a few other kerb-dropping specialists to see if I can use someone else instead, then I can just fire Fixit and get professionals. I'm tempted to use my phone to film next Tuesday's meeting in case of repercussions. I am absolutely going to use what I've typed here to post brutally honest reviews everywhere I can. I took a photo of the crew - perfectly legally, stood in the porch, announced I was going to take it and told them to smile. They didn't, but neither did any of them object or turn away - which shows the faces quite clearly. Always useful to have backup!

I really don't need this stress.

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Blogger Sue said...

Oh goodness, that's shocking! At the very least, try to have a witness there when you see them next if only to help you recall exactly what everybody said. Much sympathy; hope it can be sorted relatively easily and amicably.

8:45 am  
Blogger Joules *Dances with Haddock* Taylor said...

I've drafted a letter to them, quoting all the dates and events, that we'll email tonight (I can't find a physical address anywhere...) If, as I suspect, they don't bother checking their email, we'll print off a copy and I'll hand it to them when they visit next. I've checked the legal procedure for the small claims court and a formal letter is necessary before starting the process - it might do for that. Will report back later.

9:53 am  
Blogger AmandaHuffleduck said...

oh ffs. No, you really don't need that

8:02 am  

Monday, October 01, 2018

YAY! Five minutes peace to sit and update!

... and I wrote that 48 hours ago... heh.

Anyway - I do now have a few mins to type, so, what's been happening?

Weather wasn't brilliant over the weekend before last, so we watched things on Saturday - Deadpool 2 which is brilliantly funny and really quite clever. MOST enjoyable! Kai and I have continued watching Agents of SHIELD (season 1) all through last week.

Sunday was the usual cleaning, shopping and general busyness, and Kai's venesection in the afternoon.

On Monday I had a dr's appt to ask about my eye (right one has been badly bloodshot for over a month now - no pain and it's not affecting my vision but it looks horrible). Dr said it's either episcleritis or inflamed pterygium, not dangerous as it's not spread over the cornea, it should go by itself over time but I should get it looked at at the Eye Hospital if it gets worse or worries me. They can give steroid drops which would clear it up (she can't prescribe them), and she'd be interested in knowing their diagnosis. If she makes the appt it will take between 2 - 5 months: if I just turn up at opening time and wait to be seen it would be much quicker. In the meantime it looks as though it's finally clearing up of its own accord, so not going to waste time if it's not necessary. Simple eye drops prevent it getting too dry.

The electricians from Ian Williams came to put in the extractor fan. Rather a lot of hammering and drilling (made the house vibrate...) but it's in, it's tiny, but ye gods is it efficient! Absolutely no humidity at all (and given I like my water one click down from maximum heat that's really saying something). It keeps the bathroom so dry it even helps with personal drying off! Very happy with it.

On Tuesday left Fixit carrying on with the drive while I went swimming with Kim. The pool water was bath-warm again, but managed 28 lengths, so that was OK.

Wed was another shopping/sorting stuff out day, and finishing the web content from Chelsey (it's the Frankfurt Book Fair in a couple of weeks so this time of the year there's usually quite a lot to do to the website). Kai finished choosing and applying for the units he's taking this year - including Advanced High Performance Computing, Types and Lambda Calculus, Artificial Intelligence with Logic Programming, and Image Processing and Computer Vision - and applied for some time with the uni's super computer. I'm going to hazard a guess that I may not be of much use to him, academically speaking, this year!

Then on Thursday the decorators arrived to paint the bathroom... We had a choice of magnolia or white (not great but hey, it was free, and it saved me doing it!), so went with white. They've done a cracking job, and although I was a bit concerned the white would look cold and clinical, they used a matte white paint and with the white tiles, white shower and white curtains it's a bit like showering inside a cloud. And it really brings out the colour of the teal towels and bathmat, the royal blue and gold lino, and the warm pine of the cabinet and loo seat, so for the time being I'm very happy with it.

Now if they would just fix the curtain rail everything would be near-perfect...

Friday Kai had a meeting at uni - introduction to the new academic year - and spent some time with me discussing how he's going to cope with the work and his fatigue. He's going to go in for all the classes, but can manage the lectures at home, as they're always posted on the uni's internal site, and we know from experience Kai learns better that way. It's going to be a tough but hopefully very interesting year for him.

And Fixit finished the drive (but not the kerb drop - that's going to take up to another 10 days. Fingers crossed it's less...) I had to move Derpy while they finished up, so drove Kai and I to Sainsbury's to get a heavy shop (litre cartons of the iced coffee Kai likes, tins of beans and meatballs etc etc). First proper drive for me and first time driving with his mum for Kai. All went nice and smoothly. And when we got back no work had been done as the blade on the compactor had bust and they were off hunting for a replacement... [sigh] Parked up outside Bill's house and left them to it.

But they did get the work finished, and we now have a beach outside the front door!

Going to look pretty good once I've got everything planted up.

Sat was shopping, then Ken and I watched Lesbian Vampire Killers (49p from a charity shop in Weston). It was OK. Mostly harmless, mildly amusing in places. Kai opted to miss it as he was doing well with the programme he's been working on this summer.

Sunday Ken and I bussed out to Hurrans - for a break, to get out of the house, and treat ourselves to a salted caramel latte (for me) and an Americano (for Ken). Except the cafe was closed, and they didn't have the jardiniere I wanted. Eh well. It was fun anyway! In the evening Ken and I (Kai caught 15 mins and walked out in disgust) watched Mallrats (another picked up cheaply at Weston)... 90s American humour, I guess. Crude, gross, foul-mouthed and not at all funny. We'll keep it, as it has the biggest Stan Lee speaking part we've ever come across, but that's the only reason.

And so to today. Kai's skipped this am's lecture (will catch it online later) and is going in for two classes this pm. We've all finished watching Agents of SHIELD season 4 (and Kai and I are partway through rewatching season 2): season 5 is out tomorrow (on amazon, at least). Kai and I have our flu jabs booked for tomorrow evening at Tesco pharmacy: will see if Tesco have it. If not, I'll order from amazon. I'm staying in this pm as there's a delivery due, of a clock Kai bought for himself on ebay: going to sit with Ken's plan of the little bit of front garden we have left, my list of plants and how big they grow, and mark out a first draft of where everything should be planted for best effect.


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Blogger Sue said...

Hey, that all looks great. I thought Agents of Shield was really good too.

7:19 pm  
Blogger GoodTwin said...

(Finally gets AinG - it must be Thursday... I need Haddock as well...)

The drive looks fab, I hope the kerb is done quickly so that you can start making good use of it.

5:56 pm  

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